Why Channel 4 is changing to appeal more to younger audiences

“I’ve maybe heard of E4 – that’s probably about it. I don’t really watch anything on it. I think there are comedies or something on it… Probably my mum watches”
Channel 4, the dramas. (Girl aged 14, England)

I’ve always thought that Channel 4 was a channel with attitude, an innovator and did well at appealing to their younger audiences. Hey, look at their funny Threads account! But I’m 41.

In some fascinating, but underreported, research carried out by STRAT7 Rainmakers for Ofcom, these more youthful target groups appear to not feel the same way.

It’s the same issue that all broadcasters – and organisations with communications strategies – are facing. It’s why Channel 4 is looking to make changes to its licence as it transitions from being mainly linear to more of a digital outlet.

Younger audiences are typically less engaged and aware of what Channel 4 does

Of the 18-24 year olds surveyed, it appears they didn’t tend to watch Channel 4 on TV, or check out its streaming platforms – preferring Netflix, Disney, YouTube and TikTok for their entertainment.

They were aware, when prompted, of some of the content on its platforms, but they didn’t clearly associate them with Channel 4, but accidentally with rival services instead.

Audiences expect a better quality streaming service

“40D is atrocious..honestly, it’s slow, you can’t fast forward from one segment to another, if you do then you’ve got to watch 3 minutes of adverts and if you want to watch a programme halfway through you’ve got to watch loads of adverts. It crashes, it’s not user friendly, you can’t look at recently released by category – It’s not user friendly it’s old… it’s like internet explorer before it was Edge.” (Female, London, 22-34, ABC1, medium C4C user)

Channel 4’s streaming services have undergone some transformations over the years, from 4OD, to All 4, to Channel4.com.

It’s no surprise that those surveyed are watching more of its content digitally, but they view it more of a catch-up service than a streaming service, where they would be ‘inspired’ by the selections on offer.

And the Channel 4 platforms were seen as “off-putting”: harder to browse, suffering from more glitches and too many ads, compared to its streaming rivals.

It’s a challenge to Channel 4, whose income solely comes from commercial revenues. Younger audiences are reported to find the ads repetitive, too frequent and the breaks too long. Being digitally native, they’re not brought up on ad breaks on commercial TV like us older lot have been.

They didn’t regard Channel 4 Entertainment as a go-to destination on YouTube as they prefer to consume content differently, through algorithms and recommendations. But they like to watch clips of popular shows.

Channel 4 appears less appealing for younger audiences

“Disney+ is where I watch most of my series and TikTok. If I ever have a free
minute that’s what I spend time scrolling on.” (Female, Belfast, 18-21, C2DE, light C4C user)

Like other Public Sector Broadcasters, it tries to appeal to all audiences, which is important from a regulation perspective, but tricky for a brand.

Although most of those surveyed saw its target audience as ‘younger’ (around mid-20s upwards), some of the youngest who took part in the study saw it as more for their parents’ generation.

A longer-term concern was that 10-15 year olds did not proactively consider Channel 4 to watch content.

A brand identity issue?

Of the PSBs, Channel 4 was traditionally seen as being more boundary-pushing, progressive, diverse and innovative. But that’s coming under threat from other streaming services pursuing similar values, particularly with the aim of appealing to younger people.

But the research said Channel 4 “would be missed if they no longer existed”, being seen as less establishment, championing diverse and challenging viewpoints, providing gritty and authentic news and documentaries, and offering a wide range of good quality, British-made programmes for free.

And there was particular support for, and brand association with, its Paralympics coverage, reflecting its values of diversity and inclusion.

And Channel 4 News was praised for how it connected with its viewers, holding power to account and the way it reported events in the UK and around the world. Although over-30s were more likely to watch its appointment to view shows, mainly the 7pm programme, it’s received acclaim (and awards) for its social and digital output, where younger generations are more likely to get their news.

It appears its request to remove its lunchtime bulletin and reduce TV commitment to current affairs would allow it to divert those resources into its digital content.

Not just a Channel 4 issue

“Channel 4 remains a key part of the UK’s broadcasting ecology”, notes Ofcom, being rated highly by audiences and “[continuing] to deliver content promoting new and diverse voices and perspectives and to play a crucial role in supporting the creative economy outside London.”

The issues the broadcaster faces are ones similar to the BBC, ITV and other brands and organisations – look at Ofcom’s report on the BBC needing to do more to appeal to working classes.

It’s why Channel 4 has asked for changes to some of its existing licence obligations to invest more in its digital growth and transformation (while also providing for those who still watch their programmes in the more ‘traditional’ TV way.)

You can take part in the consultation to its proposed changes on Ofcom’s website.

We’re all having to change the ways we reach and engage our audiences – for some target groups, it’s a matter of urgency. If you’d like to chat about how I can help you navigate through these unsettling times, get in touch.

7 practical takeaways from Ofcom’s Online Nation report

How have our online habits changed this past year? Ofcom have done a thorough exploration of this, with their latest Online Nation report.

I’ve gone through this fascinating study to pull out what their findings mean for you – and how you can be inspired to better reach and engage your audiences.

1. Do you have a good YouTube strategy?

Ofcom Online Nation report survey: YouTube is Top social media services among UK adults

For too many, YouTube is still seen as a dumping ground for TV ads and other unloved videos. But it should really be a cornerstone of your digital comms strategy.

YouTube is now the most popular social or digital media platform among UK adults, overtaking Facebook.

Think about how you can provide helpful and engaging content on your most popular or searched for topics, with clear video titles that include relevant keywords, and interesting thumbnail images.

It’s no surprise that TikTok is popular among younger adults, with 18-24 year olds using it for an average of 55 minutes a day on there, but Snapchat is proving remarkably resilient too, with its users spending nearly an hour a day on there.

It feels too early to make any decisive views on Threads, but despite aggressive promotion on Meta’s other platforms, it’s not quite caught on so far. Like many of us, I’ve dipped in and out of it. But Channel 4 is doing a good job on there!

Don’t write off Twitter (or X) – although its usage has declined overall, it’s still the main place for breaking news, sport and other live events, if that’s what your audiences are interested in, and journalists and opinion formers are still active there.


2. The one size fits all social approach doesn’t work anymore

Overall, we’re seeing an increasing fragmentation of social media, with different groups of audiences using a wider range of channels. Just plonking the same post and content on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram is unlikely to work as it may have done before.

You need to examine what is working on what channel for you – even if it contradicts the general findings of this report – and even be bold about focusing on fewer of them.

Diversify your forms of engagement and communication too – we’ve seen how a whim of a social media giant or tweak in the Google algorithm can have a serious impact.

Also, think what you’e trying to achieve – is it to provide information and drive awareness, where social can be beneficial, or is it driving people to your website, which is becoming trickier through these platforms without paying?

Tailoring and optimising content and messaging is so important as well. Generally, we have less time and patience than ever before – if your caption or first few seconds don’t interest them, it’s likely to struggle.

I’ve proven this theory wrong, with some 16:9 videos on TikTok getting hundreds of thousand of views, but the content has to really resonate with, and engage, your followers.

And with the general shift to more algorithmic-based feeds, look into an organic promotion strategy to help boost the visibility of your posts – this doesn’t mean just influential voices, but your own staff too!


3. Is your content and site optimised for mobile?

This may sound silly in 2023, but we are using our phones more than ever to go online, with computer and tablet usage declining, according to Ofcom.

Even though those aged 55+ use smartphones the least, this still accounted for the vast majority of their time spent online.

The irony wasn’t lost as I tried to read Ofcom’s PDF-only report on my phone…


4. Consider reaching and engaging your audiences on WhatsApp

Apparently, we have an average of 36 apps on our phones – having culled a load recently from my phone that I hadn’t used in ages, this surprised me!

Meta-owned apps were the top ones used by adults, with WhatsApp still the favoured app of the nation.

Have you thought about creating a broadcast channel or explored whether you can gain access to Channels?

Success on there so far has been a bit hit and miss (my assessment is: less link posts, more native chat and content.)


5. Think about how AI can help your teams do their jobs better and provide a better service and experience for your audiences

I was fascinated to learn that as many as three in ten UK internet users had tried out a generative AI tool, such as Chat GPT, DALL-E or Snapchat’s AI. There’s an apparent willingness for people to use them, if they’re clearly labelled as such

But as Microsoft discovered, great care is needed when using it to avoid undermining customer confidence in what you do.

AI is also being used to provide great benefit to comms jobs – Buckingham Palace used AI-driven software to help assess the notoriously-tricky-to-measure online sentiment to the recent royal visit to Kenya, and Whitehall is testing their own in-house tool to see how it can help improve tasks such as in press offices.

I recommend following Peter Heneghan who’s doing exciting work in this space.


6. We all have a duty as content creators and publishers to protect our audiences

“Attitudes to being online are complex and often ambivalent”, notes Ofcom.

It adds that “adults recognise the benefits of being online at a personal level, but less so for society overall… Although being online provides both adults and children with many benefits, the online environment also has the potential to expose internet users to harm.”

Misinformation is the biggest issue – with those surveyed claiming political or electoral content is the biggest problem. A quarter of users had also encountered hateful, offensive or discriminatory content in the past month.

Think about the steps you can take to protect followers: do you have a clear guide in place? Do staff know about it, from a professional, and also sadly, personal basis?

Worryingly, with the shift to more algorithmic-based feeds, over a third of users said their most recent harmful interaction came for just scrolling through their feeds, or the for you page.

Combined with the fact that less than half of those surveyed were aware of platforms’ rules and safety measures in place, I’d love to see a high profile campaign by these apps, government and Ofcom to raise awareness of how to report potential issues, and also improve media literacy of users online.


7. We’re more online than ever – but remember those who aren’t

UK adults spend on average 3¾ hours online – slightly more than this time last year. It’s no surprise that younger people spend nearly an hour more, and 65+ an hour less.

But what struck me was the numbers that don’t have access to the internet at home, either through desire or affordability.

It’s 7% of 16+, rising to 18% of over-65s. Over a quarter of people said this was due to cost.

Despite the race to be more and more digital, don’t forget to include all of your audiences in your communication efforts.

You can read Ofcom’s fasinating Online Nation report here.

Twitter/X axes headlines from link posts – this is what you can do

After the recent changes to Twitter/X and Facebook, LinkedIn is probably the only social platform left where you can easily post external links – but even then it doesn’t mean lots of views of your article!

It’s all about a gradual shift in how social media firms want publishers, companies and other users to use their platforms.

These changes had been expected

Last night’s changes by Twitter to remove headlines from Twitter cards had been coming since Elon Musk posted in August about doing so.

He wants followers to stay on the channel, rather than go to read or watch something on a browser or an app ( the “esthetics” claim seems dubious.)

Elon Musk tweet on Twitter/X algorithm and keeping users on the platform

What I think people are overlooking is that he claims the algorithmic-based For You tab “tries to” prioritise posts that don’t – but whether they are able to do so is not so clear. If a post which includes a link is generating lots of engagement, I generally think it will be more likely seen in that tab than a less interesting post.

So what should we do?

Again after a change by Musk, it’s provoked frustration, slight outrage and vows to quit Twitter – but they reflect moves by all platforms to wanting to keep users where they are.

But it is also helpful to put yourself in the shoes (or hands) of the user – we generally prefer to read everything where we already are as we lazily scroll, rather than be redirected elsewhere, close the page, go back etc. And unless something really resonates with us, or captures our attention, we’ll keep on scrolling.

So we need to adapt the way we communicate on those platforms – or seek alternatives.

Like it or not, Twitter is still the place where live news and hot takes happen – the Liverpool VAR decision to the Conservative Party conference this week alone.

If we want to engage our followers, we need put more effort into thinking what our posts will look to them – and why someone would share, comment or like it, or tap on the link.

For example, do we need to rethink how we use lead images on sites and adding captions, so that the picture pulled through is more appealing and tappable?

I’ve seen some publishers manually adding an image to a post, with the link in the copy, but I’m not sure how much more appealing that is to users.

Daily Mail tweet breaking news post with link

Another way is posting a headline or teaser post, with the link in the reply – but I don’t think that is any more effective; there’s little incentive to share or like a post that says ‘read more’. All the detail you need to know tends to be in the top post.

JOE.co.uk Twitter teaser image thread


Interestingly, LADbible, who are at the forefront of social publishing, have appeared to stop doing that and gone back to link posts.

LADbible link post tweet

Another option to share information is in a short thread – three posts mean that all are seen in the feed and not hidden (Twitter displays the first and last two in a thread). Treat each one as a standalone post that still work if individually retweeted, with details, images/video and then possibly a link in the final one. More often than not, the first post gets the most engagement. you could space out the thread to try to get repeated hits of the top post during the day.)

The other option, is to pay – either to be verified, or use promoted posts for carousels and other features.

Having a blue tick allows you to post much longer posts – but have you tried to read one of those? It’s hard work…

For my wrestling history account, being verified allows me to post longer videos and be more visible in mentions (and possibly the For You feed, but it’s not clear.) Monthly payouts have dramatically reduced in the last couple of months, but for me it still covers the cost of the fee.

But for many big publishers, Twitter referral traffic has been poor for a long time. Sky News’ head of digital, Nick Sutton said recently:

Sky News Nick Sutton on Twitter referral traffic

What about other platforms?

You may have seen how Facebook is cutting its efforts and support to news publishers – according to Axios, major news companies have suffered huge losses in traffic in the past six months.

And the much-heralded Threads still doesn’t have the ability to post links. Besides, engagement numbers appear to have fallen off a cliff (Just checked my phone and I used the app so infrequently I had to redownload it.)

Look also at Instagram and TikTok, who don’t allow links in posts (unless you pay) – I rarely feel motivated enough to ‘check the link in our bio’.

WhatsApp offers exciting opportunities – I wrote about the potential of Channels last month and Reach have been talking about the success of interest-based Communities(but I would not want 15 messages a day from a news provider clogging up my chats!)

Slowly, many have realised that they can’t rely on third party platforms to reach their audiences – and for publishers, make money.

We’ve seen a refocus on owned platforms: apps, email and memberships, which is a good thing.


Experiment! Try things out, see what works and analyse the data. You can still have great success on social media, but you can’t just post a link and hope it will drive great interest anymore.

WhatsApp Channels can help you reach and engage your audience 

I’m really excited by the potential of WhatsApp Channels, which are slowly being introduced here in the UK.

Messaging apps, like WhatsApp and DMs on Twitter, Insta and Facebook, is where conversations are increasingly taking place, rather than publicly on news feeds.

WhatsApp Channels: Daily Mail, LBC, SportBible

How do WhatsApp Channels work?

Unlike Threads or other Twitter competitors, it uses an app already used by millions and millions of us, young and old: WhatsApp (which is owned by Meta.)

It’s the UK’s second most popular online communication platform among internet users aged 16+, according to Ofcom, just behind YouTube (Ofcom, Adults’ Media Use and Attitudes report 2023.)

There’s more details about the nation’s use of WhatsApp in Ofcom’s Online Nation report.

Ofcom research shows YouTube and then WhatsApp are most used by adult internet users - but YouTube is most popular for 16--24 year olds

You may need to update your app to get the Channels tab – it will appear on the far left of your app, under Updates (where you could update your status, if you ever bothered to.) I think this is better that having organisations flood your chats with friends, families and co-workers.

Updates on WhatsApp channels

What’s good about it, unlike Broadcasts or previous functions, is that your name, number and (depending on your privacy setting) your profile photo can only be seen by the admin – fellow users can’t see when you join or interact with a channel and your number is protected.

For organisations, there appears to be no cap on the number of followers, unlike WhatsApp for Business (the biggest channel, WhatsApp, has 11 million followers.)

Who’s on WhatsApp Channels already?

Channels allow people to follow your brand or business (seemingly all verified to prevent fraud and confusion) and get vital information, news, or just be entertained.

Examples of brands and organisations on WhatsApp Channels

A range of TV programmes, Gen Z celebrities, sports teams and news organisations are on there already: from This Morning and Good Morning Britain to Bad Bunny and Olivia Rodrigo, top Premier League clubs (Man City being the most popular with 5m followers), the Indian cricket team and Mark Zuckerberg.

In terms of UK news organisations, there is BBC News (the biggest UK-based news publisher, with 200,000 followers), The News Agents, LADbible, JOE, Daily Mail and LBC.

But I think this has huge potential for both the public and private sector, particularly for customer service, from a UK Government account posting important policy announcements or updates on the RAAC crumbling concrete crisis in schools, or practical help with benefits, to a utility company updating customers on outages or new deals.



What works on WhatsApp Channels?

It’s far too early to say – I think it’s best to try a range of different content, not just post links, which some are doing. Judging crudely by the reaction emojis left behind on messages, they tend to perform the worst.

Think about what you or your audience likes getting on WhatsApp – why are you going to take time to tap on a link to a site and take you away from the platform you’re on?

It’s screenshots, images, videos that are natively posted and embedded – they don’t need to be highly produced, just easy to read within a few seconds (I think what I send to mates and colleagues.)

LADbible WhatsApp Channel

Adding more details into a post can really help – take this Daily Mail one, which explains the story, which has among the highest reactions (though it could be due to the death of someone who was on TV – followers can’t see the breakdown of the different emojis used)

Daily Mail WhatsApp Channel

LADbible are trying memes (as below shows, some are more successful than others…) I’m not sure recycling old memes is quite right; those that tap into ongoing conversations about news, topics and events that are happening right now would be more successful.

LADbible WhatsApp Channel

Admins can also send stickers, and polls. I haven’t seen anyone use followers’ comments (screenshotted or otherwise) as a way of turning this broadcast channel into more of a 2-way conversation or function.

All publishers are trying to find the formats that work and the frequency of posting. I think less is likely to be more – no-one likes the group chat that is spammed by someone posting too often, or even worse, with your notifications going crazy (hopefully many publishers have learned their lessons from push notifications. I say ‘hopefully’…)

Think about discovery of the WhatsApp Channels outside of the platform too. It was hard to find details of organisations via Google (there are a lot of worrying-looking imitation WhatsApp accounts of BBC News there) and I saw that LADbible had promoted theirs via an Insta post (though you had to go back to their bio to get the link – a joined-up Meta operation where you could add a call to action button to View Channel would be great.)

How can you evaluate success on WhatsApp Channels?

On the face of it, it is just emoji reactions, though I hope and expect WhatsApp have an analytics dashboard for admins on audiences, engagements, views and forwards and timings.

What you ideally want is followers to engage with the message and forward it onto a group or other contacts. When they do, they see the original message plus a big View Channel call to action button.

Liverpool WhatsApp Channel message forwarded on

According to the same Ofcom report, 13% of users get their news from WhatsApp. I expect this to increase as more and more people use this service.

Ofcom news consumption report 2023: One in 10 of us use TikTok as a 'news' source

Read more

Microsoft’s AI error shows how we could lose customer confidence

Does a travel guide to Ottawa, seemingly written by AI, on Microsoft’s site really suggest visiting a local food bank – and doing so “on an empty stomach”?
Yes, yes it really does.
Microsoft AI travel guide article suggests going to Ottawa Food Bank "on an empty stomach"


The mistake, spotted by Paris Marx, highlights the concerns around the use of AI to produce content without having a knowledgable human editor overseeing its work.

It’s a shame as this misuse of an exciting technology can really set back confidence in it.

You can check the error for yourself here.

Interestingly, Ofcom research shows that three in ten UK internet users had tried out a generative AI tool, such as Chat GPT, DALL-E or Snapchat’s AI. There’s an apparent willingness for people to use them, if they’re clearly labelled as such.

This Microsoft AI error comes on the day that TUI have launched their own Chat GPT-style tour guide app, which also appears to have quite severe limitations, according to the Guardian:

“A test of the service highlighted its ‘experimental’ nature, as the bot struggled with a basic conversation.”

TUI AI chatbot
The Guardian

The app does make it clear its experimental and an AI bot – but if users experience faults with a service very quickly and easily, they are unlikely to want to use it again.

Ensuring sufficient testing of AI-driven projects before making them public is really important.

As a senior TUI executive points out, it can really help where real people use generative AI along with their own knowledge for tasks – such as in call centres.

We’re not at the stage where people’s jobs will be replaced by this technology – but if businesses harness this innovation, properly, it can make a real benefit to the customer experience.

After my first Twitter payout, is the X Premium programme worth it?

I admit I was a bit sceptical of Elon Musk’s claims about his Twitter/X Monetization programme (now called X Premium), but my curiosity got the better of me, so I signed up to Blue.

After my first payout, I think it is worth it, if you have a hobby account that’s popular – but you won’t get rich off it!

Is the X Premium scheme worth paying £10 a month for?

First of all, you need to do some basic maths to work out if it is worth the investment.

You have to be subscribed to Blue, or be a verified organisation as one of the qualifying criteria. Blue costs £9.60 a month, including taxes.

I’d also recommend checking your Twitter analytics before signing up. You need to have at least 15 million organic impressions on your cumulative posts in the last three months – that’s a lot for most people.

This rules out some of my hobby and personal accounts, apart from On This Day In WWE, which is dedicated to milestone anniversaries of events in wrestling, which has 50,000 followers. Having Blue has been helpful because I can post longer clips than 2’20”.

How do you qualify for the payouts from the X Premium scheme?

Looking at the last three months, which we believe to be the qualifying period (but we don’t know for certain), I was just over the threshold for impressions:

No alt text provided for this image
Twitter activity June 2023
Twitter activity July 2023

Twitter is hot on accounts using paid promotion, or bots or other ways to artificially boost your numbers.

The other qualifying criteria is that I needed to have at least 500 followers.

There are also caveats in the small print of X Ads Revenue Sharing terms – I had copyright claims for the footage I used from Sony India, which I successfully appealed, but that could count against you.

Are your Twitter/X posts interesting enough to make money?

Also buried in the small print is that the ad revenue sharing programme relates to the organic impressions of ads shown in replies from veriified users (ie fellow blue tickers) to the content you post.

So, if you’re generating a lot of replies to your content, great. That doesn’t mean you have to do clickbaity posts.

My wrestling content is aimed to stimulate reactions to memories – good or bad – about moments in wrestling history. Did you love a match – or hate a storyline? Optimising content to provoke genuine emotional reactions tends to do well.

And you are likely to need to post a lot to generate sufficient replies, unless something goes particularly viral.

Do you want to give Twitter/X your bank details?

The other consideration is that you need to have a Stripe account to receive payments. This requires using a bank account, which some people may be uncomfortable with.

Musk has talked about building financial services into Twitter, which has concerned some people – and you do connect your Stripe account with your Twitter account – but Stripe is a separate, and by all accounts, a secure organisation.

So how much did I make from X Monetization?

Drum roll… $202 – or £158.

Minus £30 of Twitter Blue payments, that’s £120. A nice amount for something I genuinely enjoy doing.

So if you’re hoping your meme account will make you millions…sorry.

Twitter/X Monetization first payout


Again, Twitter makes clear in its terms that you have to have generated more than $50 (£40) to qualify for a payout.

And “X may modify or cancel the Program at any time in its sole discretion, including for business, financial, or legal reasons” – so this may be the peak in terms of payouts. They haven’t shown how they work out the amount they pay you.

Payouts are made “at a regular cadence” – it’s not clear how often.


If you enjoy Twitter and posting what you do, and you get high levels of impressions, then it’s worth doing.

It’s more than any other social account is doing to help creators (unless you want to sell things through a shop on TikTok.)

Article updated to rename the Twitter Blue programme to X Premium

Read how Twitter’s changes to post headlines 

Ofcom Media Nations report: Live TV isn’t dead – our habits are evolving

I read some of the headlines and dramatic opinion pieces forecasting the death of live TV that followed the publication of the 2023 Ofcom Media Nations report, as if it had been a bolt out of the blue.

We still watch live, linear TV for the big moments, says Ofcom Media Nations report

Gone are the days of regular mass audience viewing, with a dramatic increase in the multitude of platforms and specialist shows now available to us to enjoy.

But this isn’t to say the country doesn’t still come together for the big moments: England losing in the quarter finals of the World Cup was the most-watched programme last year, followed by the Queen’s funeral and Platinum Jubilee.

Ofcom top 10 most watched programmes in the UK in 2022

There are more demands than ever for our attention, but when it matters, we still turn to the TV for a ”shared viewing experience”.

It’s just that the concept of ‘TV’ has evolved, driven by technological change. Despite all the drama, broadcasters maintained their share of video viewers (60%) due to the growth of on-demand platforms.

Interestingly, of all the viewing to BBC One’s broadcasting of the Platinum Jubilee, 12% was via iPlayer. And the 8th series of Love Island attracted 39% of its audience on what was then ITV Hub.

And it isn’t just a ‘young person’s thing’; for the first time, Ofcom recorded a big decline in broadcast TV viewing among over-64s.

What’s happened is that we’re offered more choice of content based on our specialised interests, now fitting around our hectic lifestyles – why shouldn’t we take advantage of that, rather than being chained to what time a programme starts on TV?

How radio has embraced the changes to listening

Global Player ad

Radio is experiencing changes too but seemingly adapting to them better.

Live radio is still the most popular form of audio, but we’re enjoying the different ways we can listen, be it on catch-up or streaming.

And online options have recently overtaken analogue in popularity, with smart speakers quickly catching up (DAB is still the most popular device.)

Despite the changes, the power of radio to connect the presenter with the listener remains very strong – in fact, commercial radio has never enjoyed such a high percentage share of listeners. The recent RAJARs show how we are increasingly seeking stations that fit our moods and interests – Greatest Hits Radio exploiting the gap in the market to appeal to disillusioned Radio 2 listeners, for example.

Radio stations and groups are embracing these changes, becoming multimedia powerhouses – diversifying into successful podcasts and social video like Global, or offering ad-free listens through their own apps, like Bauer, which allow them to gather better audience data and generate additional revenue.


‘News’ on social media can mean a lot of things

Ofcom: short social media videos watched by genre

The one area of the report that I would like further detail was on social media. It claims news is the second most popular type of social media video amongst the over 15s – but ‘news’ is a very broad category; it can range from Ukraine to the legal row over Lizzo and the latest Liverpool transfer gossip.

And video formats and content types vary wildly on different platforms – what we watch on TikTok is different to YouTube.

Users watch a lot of video on social media says Ofcom report

I question the notion that short-form content is best and most-watched. Concise and snackable may be fine for one type of topic, but longer videos and podcasts are popular too, if engaging enough. I recently saw how Times Radio recorded 1 million views on YouTube for an hour long discussion on Russia. And some podcasts, like Joe Rogan’s and some of my wrestling ones, go on for several hours.


Ofcom: time spent per day on social media platforms, by age

There’s a reminder again of the importance of YouTube, a neglected platform for some news publishers and businesses. We all are aware of the popularity of TikTok – still a thorny issue for politicians and the government, who feel paralysed to get involved in any form. I’ve been testing videos aimed at older generations (40 years since Knightrider started, for example) and there is clearly a growing older audience on there; it’s not just a ‘young person’s platform’.


@timtokgatt This is how Hoff met KITT… Iconic 80s programme – who didn’t want a talking car? And great theme tune too #knightrider #knightriderkitt #davidhasselhoff #michaelknight #80s #80sTV #TV #TVshow #1980s #USTV #ustvclips #ustvshow #tvclips #kitt #car #carsoftiktok ♬ original sound – TimTok Gatt

We shouldn’t forget about Snapchat, which is still very popular even though it’s fallen out of the spotlight – but no mention of Twitter as a video format, strangely.

How TV news needs to adapt to the changes in viewership

I watched a clip of Sky News’ report on this study (on Twitter), which claimed that TV news is still the place for big breaking stories. I’m not so sure. Twitter and TikTok are faster and quicker in terms of updates and video, albeit less reliable, on most stories. I agree for the huge moments, like the death of the Queen, we do switch on the TV but will still be on our phones too.

The challenge for rolling news channels and other content providers is how to adapt how they do things to the ever-changing environment; my old boss John Ryley used to talk about the need for constant change:

It’s not the cleverest or biggest news organisation that succeeds but the one most adaptable to change.

It’s no surprise that GB News is rivalling them in the evenings with strong opinionated current affairs programmes, when it’s just competing against a re-run of news reports. Being bold and shaking things up in how TV news is done, taking in some of the storytelling and production elements of social media, could boost viewership – and I don’t mean just in terms of linear viewing.

What does this mean for us trying to connect with audiences? It means that more so now than ever, a ‘one size fit all’ approach very rarely works. You need to segment who you are trying to target and engage them with different forms of content and messaging, adapted to the platform they’re watching or listening on.

Grabbing their attention is key – be it the visuals, the captions or the post copy, And always think of the person you’re trying to attract – why would they stop scrolling or flicking around and watch, read or listen to your content?

And like these Ofcom findings – be informed by the data but also trust your judgment and experience.

The 2023 Ofcom Media Nations report is here.

You may be interested in 7 practical takeaways from Ofcom’s Online Nation report

5 things you need to know from Ofcom’s news consumption report

Reassuringly for once, a new report doesn’t signal the need for a dramatic shift in the way we must communicate with audiences on social media.

But the new Ofcom news consumption report does confirm that it’s a complicated media landscape, with a strategic and sophisticated approach needed if you’re trying to engage a broad range of people.

Here’s the five things you need to know:

1. One in 10 of us use TikTok as a ‘news’ source

 Ofcom news consumption report 2023: One in 10 of us use TikTok as a 'news' source

The continued rise of TikTok is perhaps most interesting.

One in every 10 adults (10%) are using it to keep up with the news – more so than BBC Radio 1 and Channel 5.

It’s the fastest growing platform, as even social media rivals slow down or plateau.

Of course, the definition of ‘news’ is broad: emotive human interest stories and showbiz and entertainment news tend to perform well.

It’s not that they’re turning to TikTok for every cut and thrust of the latest Westminster row, but these stats are an issue for the government, who hasn’t been on the platform since last summer.

What is fascinating about TikTok, and what challenges the presumed theory about the platform, is that basic, raw, non-vertical video can perform well on there, as long as it’s at least one of these three things:

  1. New or important news or information
  2. Visually appealing, either in the text caption, or the pictures
  3. Generates some form of emotion, positive or negative


2. The popularity of iPlayer and ITVX for news

This same chart from the Ofcom news consumption report has recorded broadcast on demand (BVoD) for the first time, and it shows pleasing results for the BBC’s iPlayer and the revamped ITVX.

This is despite news not being featured too prominently (you have to scroll down quite a few rows or ‘rails’ as the insiders call them) – unless there is a huge story.

This is likely to rise as more of us get smart TVs (I still use an Amazon Fire stick, but I’m not a big TV watcher.)

I’m curious as to whether Channel 4 and Sky News’ stats are all linear TV or a mixture of on-demand too.


3. There’s been no dramatic changes in what media we mainly use for news, apart from papers

Ofcom news consumption report: TV is still the main platform for news

Interestingly, we’ve been generally been using the same forms of media for news that we’ve been accustomed to for the past five years, as new technology offers more flexible and personalised ways to continue to enjoy them.

Print continues to decline, saved by their online operations. The decline in linear TV has been countered by the rise in on-demand options through your remote. Audio options have flourished, from podcasts to catch-up to ad-free subscription services.

Hidden from this table I think is the role of passive forms of news consumption, especially radio, with record numbers listening to commercial radio and listening to a bulletin between their songs.


4. Kids are complicated

Ofcom news consumption report: family, TV and social media are the biggest sources of news for 12-15 year olds

A lot is talked about the need for news organisations conquering TikTok to attract young people, but for 16-24 year olds, Instagram is still by far the biggest platform.

But for the younger 12-15 year olds, TikTok is most important social platform, followed closely by YouTube and Instagram – but they’re not interested in news unless it’s very big (understandably). And TV still plays a bigger role than social media.

But what I think is still underplayed in these Ofcom news consumption surveys is the influence of friends and family – and messaging apps.

We may not consciously realise, but we tend to share a lot of news and information in things like WhatsApp chats – which due to their encrypted nature are impossible to track unless someone selects to share it there by tapping a button on a different platform.

5. The importance of the BBC

BBC News logo

Despite all the ups and downs of the BBC as an organisation in the media, this report confirms what a vital role it continues to play in how we access news through media, whatever age we are.

Ofcom says, “BBC news output across all its platforms reaches 73% of all UK adults” and it’s still the most important source of information for 12-15 year olds.

The importance of a suitably funded and supported Beeb in providing trusted and impartial news is clear.


The challenge for media organisations is how you make revenue out of this situation. But that’s a different story for a different article.

You can read the Ofcom report here – it’s well-produced and an easy read.

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What young people think of as ‘news’ on Instagram

Tread carefully with Meta’s Threads

There’s been a lot of hype and excitement about Meta’s Threads, especially from those disillusioned with Twitter, but I wouldn’t be rushing to ditch the tweets.

Despite a record number of sign-ups in a short period of time, and popular brands and Insta celebrities piling on with ‘banter’, pseudo-philosophical statements and inane questions, there still hasn’t been one big ‘moment’ on there that has been shared with the mainstream on Twitter, TV or other traditional media. Where’s the new Binley Mega Chippy? The Ed Balls moment? The major breaking news announced by a public figure or celebrity?

Or as Ryan Broderick shoutily, but accurately, described it:


Whether it was wise to rush a basic minimal viable product to market in the wake of the latest backlash against Elon Musk, with no playbook or training for key influencers, will soon be seen.

I wouldn’t be advising clients to rush into Threads – sure, set up an account, but spend time observing. Testing and learning is the key theme. Posting links to news stories and sharing the same memes as Twitter and Instagram are unlikely to work.

It’ll need to find its own grammar, ways of working and seeing success – but it needs to happen soon or users will get bored (which reminds me – I need to switch off the BeReal notification sound.) Even MrBeast hasn’t posted in 4 days.

I’ve been testing the platform out on different accounts: my personal one but with no Insta friends migrated over; a nostalgic wrestling-themed channel; and one that reviews alcohol-free beers. As the days progress, the home feed has got a lot better and intuitive, but I still get a thread from US viral publisher Pubity every three posts – on all accounts. Followers have built as Instagram connections find my accounts, but engagement remains low. It’s hard to find your friends and followers.

I’ve noticed after switching accounts that the home feed is a mess, with accounts linked to other profiles appearing in the feed (as well as Pubity repeatedly, of course) and recommendations as random as on Facebook (no, I’m not interested in Westlife fan pages). It’s not an enjoyable experience still.

Threads: example of post with Nikki Graeme

You can’t even post GIFs to see Nikki in full flow, sadly

Some people hark back to the glory days of London 2012 – Threads is a bit like going back to Twitter in 2012, but less user-friendly and reliable.

So what could work? With no native analytics tool, it’s trial and error based on likes and reposts. Focusing on common and relatable themes and interests could work, and it is what I’ll be testing for the foreseeable future.

But news and politics have a steep hill to climb, especially with seemingly little support from Meta. I checked on the Huw Edwards breaking story tonight, and it was very hard to see anything in my home feed about it.

ITV News' Paul Brand on Threads

I also feel turned off by link posts that just look the same as on Twitter. Native posting could work, but how does giving your content away for free generate revenue?

So I’m sticking to Twitter for now. I like my followers and occasionally dipping into the bizarro-world of the For You page. Until there is a greater shift of public figures, influencers and organisations off there, it will still be important and agenda-setting.

You may be interested in: Here’s what young people think of as ‘news’ on Instagram.

This Reuters digital news report can help to change your social media approach

Today’s Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism digital news report provides some much needed-momentum to some media organisations, businesses and brands alike to rethink how they use digital and social media.

The report talks about how we face “a continual transformation of digital”. But far from being something that should terrify us, it’s a really exciting time to change things, become more insight-driven, experiment and innovate – and reap the benefits.

The old way of just posting the same series of article links on Twitter and Facebook, or the same video with the same post copy, isn’t as effective as it once was.

I’ve pulled out some of the most relevant findings and how they can be useful to your business.

Where do people get their news or information from?

Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism digital news report 2023: where people get the news from on social media

The report notes that social is growing as the main way people get their news, and it claims there has been a steady decline in people accessing websites and apps directly.

Despite some of the headlines, Facebook is still the most important platform to share news – although this will likely decline as Meta shifts away from prioritising and investing in it. One of the country’s biggest digital publishers, LadBible, still enjoy huge success on there, using performance data to inform them what posts to put on there.

Twitter can still work for big events, newsworthy moments and particularly to appeal to those working or interested in the media, politics and finance. But I’m sure a lot of you have seen how news is not driving engagement as much, generally.

It’s interesting to see how ITV News has cut back on posting and being more focused on what they share, redirecting efforts to other platforms (more of which later.)

The report also shows increases in YouTube and WhatsApp, both of which generally have untapped potential for many organisations.

Getting your news into the WhatsApp ecosystem is key – that’s where people mostly talk, share their thoughts and forward on things to group chats of like-minded individuals, rather than be criticised or put down on public forums.

Think about how you use WhatsApp – personally, I use it the most of any channel to share and read stories that I exchange with family, mates and colleagues. I think there’s real opportunity there, especially with the community group function, for organisations.

YouTube is still generally underutilised, particularly by brands, who still see it as a dumping ground for TV ads and don’t maintain and grow it. Though it has proven fruitful, there is so much more opportunity than just putting clips of your output on there – smaller, digitally-savvy operations have been making some great and popular bespoke shows and content – some slick, others just two experts chatting about topics and answering viewers’ questions. The chance to monetise is probably the best of the platforms, too.

I’ve seen a lot of chatter today about the stats showing an increase in TikTok usage for news – but Instagram is still twice as big a source, including among 18-24 year olds. The visual element is crucial, but put effort into the post copy too – tell the story there. How many times have you really bothered to go to the link in the bio unless you’re really motivated?

Surprisingly, there was no mention of LinkedIn, which has increasingly become influential and a powerful tool to promote your work, engage and connect with people.

What I also felt was missing from the report was the importance of your own platforms (a view Thomas Baekdal is a big advocate of.) Social publishers can change your business model overnight and seriously affect your distribution. We’ve seen how BBC News under Naja Nielsen and ITV News under Stephen Hull and Matt Williams are investing in iPlayer and Sounds and ITVX, and it has paid off. And Global are providing news content from LBC in their app, which houses The News Agents. Live tweeting has been replaced by liveblogs on news sites – something ITV News was doing a decade ago, under Julian March and before that, Andrew Sparrow at the Guardian.

Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism digital news report 2023: people prefer to read news than watch or listen

Also, and this seems to have been overlooked, all audiences – including 18-24 year olds – prefer to read text-based versions of news than listen or watch something. Future online news habits will evolve, with more audio and visual formats, but investing in your website is still a sensible move.

Who do people get their news and information from?

Animal from the Muppets hitting 'like'

Mainstream outlets and journalists still are ahead on Twitter and Facebook, but that’s not so clear cut on other platforms where smaller and more niche media, and especially more personalities and ordinary people, are influential.So, it’s not just thinking about what your reporter or chief executive posts, but how you encourage people with an engaged following on a niche subject you’re talking about to share/post about what you are doing.

Unless it’s genuinely useful and informative to that audience, will trigger an emotional reaction, or is visually attractive enough for them to stop scrolling, it’ll be hard to get your followers to read the post, tap on the link – and you’ll be lucky to get them to share or like it.

Rather than pump out posts, think about why someone would want to share it: as Jeff Jarvis acutely observed a decade ago, primarily we share things as it reflects how we want to be seen by others, or a reflection of our beliefs.

Think before you post: what do I want someone to feel about this post? How can I encourage them to read/watch or share/like it?

Think about the messenger too – it’s often better to show the beneficiary or human side to the story, than a dry corporate voice. ‘Ordinary people’ as the Reuters Institute call them, can deliver your messages with greater success.

For ITV News, taking a ‘people like me’ approach to The Rundown series on Instagram, Snapchat and TikTok has really paid off, with a regular set of younger multiskilled producer/presenters selecting, presenting and editing the stories.

I’ve been doing a lot of experimentation with communities on Twitter and Facebook, setting up accounts on niche interests and cultivating and engaging a following on subjects from ‘on this day’ memories of WWF wrestling to non-alcoholic beer. If you share something that appeals to that audience, and appear genuine and credible in that sphere, it can fly. Think about how you can do that, or how you can tap into that community as a welcome addition, not an awkward outsider just pushing your links.

It’s been pleasing to see the evolution of how these groups are treated. Once dismissed as “echo chambers”, now they’re talked about more as “communities”, with a range of views on like-minded subjects.


Who chooses what news and information you see?

Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism digital news report 2023: how people get their news

I was a bit surprised in the presentation of the report’s findings that the authors jokingly said: “Don’t worry, we won’t talk about AI!” Thanks to Dataminr’s Kirsten Dewar for raising it in the Q&A. Yes, there’s been a lot of attention on it recently, not helped by some alarmist or misleading stories, but it has the potential to be a gamechanger in terms of production and promotion.

TikTok has enjoyed huge popularity with its AI-backed For You Page, but many don’t regard it as machine-based as it is so accurate so quickly with identifying your interests. It’s notable that of the options given to people in the survey, they preferred the idea of having stories automatically selected based on what they’ve previously consumed, rather than by an editor, as they have been for decades in broadcasting, print and on websites.

Experimenting with AI, with human oversight, is not a new phenomenon. I read many years ago how PA news agency were experimenting with machines writing fact-based articles, including election results. With limited resources, focusing on the content that really serves your audience with machine-based pieces for the more low-level news could be the way forward.

But please, always check it with a human editor…


In his excellent newsletter, James Ball talked about how at BuzzFeed he wrote four different headlines and after 15 minutes’ performance, the computer selected the one that was doing the best.

And LadBible revealed their ruthlessness when it comes to poor-performing content – if a post is not doing well within the first hour, it can be reworked – or removed completely.

I also wonder what the difference is between AI overseen by a person and data-based decision-making? I’ve had many experiences where senior figures want to go with their instinct of how to present or promote a story – but looking at what audiences actually have engaged with previously on the topic should play an equally strong role in informing what stories to cover.

The Telegraph, for example, has done a very good job in building their subscription business, serving stories that appeal to their audiences through their STARS audience metrics, which provide a far more sophisticated way of measuring success than the ‘most read’ stats. Dan Silver has talked about this in great depth.

Who recommends news to you goes back to my earlier point on influencers – not necessarily celebrities, but those with engaged audiences on specific topics. Those less trusting of the media are more likely to engage with stories shared by individuals they respect.

For example, at the Department for Education, we had great success with getting high-profile individuals to share our content, despite their regular criticism of the government, because it was designed to resonate with them on an issue they cared about.

Are you turning people off your stories?

Reuters Institute digital news report 2023 presentation by Nic Newman

Who hasn’t got a news alert that startles you – only to find out it’s of no interest to you at all?

A one-sized approach to the news and audiences is in the past – appoint reinforced by the report’s findings. At least the BBC, to their credit, are testing the ability to personalise text alerts.

This quote from the report’s lead author Nic Newman stood out to me:

“It is clear that many websites and apps are optimised for those that are super-engaged with every twist and turn of today’s news (and politics) agenda. But these approaches also seem to be turning large sections of the public away – with potential long-term implications for civic and democratic engagement.”

It’s no surprise that national politics is one of the biggest news turn-offs for the less news-obsessed. Focusing on the beneficiaries of government policies, or those disadvantaged by them – real people – has been a far more effective way to tell these stories where needed.

And it’s not surprising that interest in news has sharply declined in recent years – I sometimes feel bombarded by content, posts that are not relevant to me. This goes back to my earlier points on insight-based decisions on what to cover and what to post.

Thankfully we’ve seen a decline in clickbait and more sensationalised social posts, reinforced by changes to Google’s search rankings system, and there’s been a flourish of new “varied ways of connecting with audiences”, as Kamal Ahmed put it: personality-led posts and content, explainers, data journalism, fact-checking.

This is an approach that companies can utilise too. There’s no one magic solution – it’s having a range of storytelling techniques and using your previous experience of these formats to judge which is the best one to use in that instance.

Talking of which, I really enjoyed BBC News’ TikTok explainers of key political and economic topics, like this chat with Faisal Islam, made by Jan Bruck


No gobbledygook allowed. #dragraceuk #bagachipz #rupaulsdragrace #inflation #bbcnews

♬ original sound – BBC News

A quick word on podcasts – a hugely popular format, but one that still has a long way to go in news, with only 8% listening monthly. Looking at the top 10 suggests more creative ways to talk about the news (and please, less of a focus on Westminster!) Certainly making video versions and promoting clips on social can help drive traffic.

That’s all well and good, but how do you make money?

This has been the big dilemma for news organisations. I’m still surprised to hear some news chiefs talk about social media being a source of income – I think gone are the days of large financial support from platforms to do news on there. And apart from YouTube, monetisation is poor.

Publishers talk about a mixture of income revenues – for example, LadBible and The News Movement are tempting brands and businesses with their knowledge of audience insight, data and social storytelling.

That best data comes from owning your own platforms. As Naja pointed out, data from social channels is “a marketing ploy” – it’s not the same as your own stats.

I was editor on The Sun’s website during a difficult time as we were working out how best to work with a paywall. I was an advocate then – even if I didn’t have all the answers – and seeing how other news providers have successfully done so, I still believe it’s the only way forward now.

It will be a difficult conversation for audiences – the UK was the lowest of 20 major countries for paying for news – but declining ad revenue isn’t going to save your business. Portraying these reader revenue models as having greater benefits beyond just news could be one solution. The Telegraph has established an award-winning games and puzzles section, for example, along with high quality, distinctive journalism.

More and more of us supporting individuals and smaller teams on Patreon because we enjoy their podcasts, and to a lesser extent Substacks. What can we learn from those successes for more established outlets?

If you want to hear the news slightly differently…

Hannah Vaughan Jones and I have been experimenting with putting some of these ideas into action with a show called Sorry You Went Viral: all about the stories that people are sharing and enjoying on social media – and the human side of what it’s like to go viral.

Check the show out on YouTube and podcasting platforms – or search for the show name on your social platforms.

I’d love to know with you about what you’re finding is working successfully for you or your organisation, or if you want to chat about how you can put some of these changes in place.